
The Mission to Seafarers Felixstowe and Haven Port


Felixstowe and Haven Port

Welcome to Felixstowe and Haven Port

Please find contact details, facilities and opening times for the port on this page. Should you wish to contact a Chaplain, please click here or get in touch with the local team using the contact details below.

Contact information

Contact : The Revd David Simpson, Chaplain to Felixstowe and Haven Ports
Tel : +44 (0) 75575 12568

Opening times :
10:00 - 22:00 Felixstowe.
The Centre runs a mini-bus service to all parts of Felixstowe Port during opening hours.
To arrange for the minibus, please phone 01394 613 502

Ipswich Seafarers Centre is unmanned and open 24hrs. The door code can be obtained from Port Security.

Both Centres have free internet access.

The Mission and QVSR jointly fund 2 chaplaincy posts at Felixstowe and Tilbury.

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