Adventure Race Japan is taking place between 15-18th May 2025, on the Izu Peninsula, Japan, regarded as a place of outstanding natural beauty. Get involved or support a team.
Collectively there are an estimated 1.89m seafarers across the world operating on 74,000 ships. These men and women of all nationalities, spend up to nine months at sea, far from families, friends and loved ones.
With a history dating back to 1856, The Mission to Seafarers supports the men and women working at sea when they need us most, as they experience loneliness and mental health issues, combined with limited access to internet onboard ships. We have over 200+ ports in 50 countries, operating day and night, 365 days a year.
Help us to help these essential key workers - who bring more than 90% of our goods and fuels - in a variety of ways, from donating online, corporate support or volunteering.
Free of charge, and packed with features, our app is designed for seafarers. Check yourself into a port in just a single tap, download the latest resources and news, make a request, chat to a chaplain, fill in our survey, and more.
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