Our charity has over 200+ ports in 50 countries, operating day and night, 365 days a year. We are open to the 1.89m seafarers across the world - men and women who are up to nine months at sea, far from families, friends and loved ones. Help us to help them - you can donate online, offer corporate support or volunteer today.
We know that life is hectic so we have made our donation process as simple as possible, in just seconds. But, we do want to take more than a few seconds to thank you for your support, without which we wouldn’t be able to do a fraction of our work. Thank you.
We specialise in bespoke partnerships with corporates, so you can be assured of a well-thought out solution to maximise the benefit to the seafarers and to your company. Join other high profile companies in exploring what we can do together.
A gift in your will can be large or small. But, we want you to know that any legacy to The Mission will be deeply appreciated and will ensure the continuity of our valuable work helping seafarers of all nations, who on many occasions turn to us at times of desperation.
Giving to The Mission on a regular basis helps us to plan ahead, investing in new areas of development to reach seafarers’ emerging needs.
We invite you to join our Mission community, and volunteer your time. It is well-known that those who volunteer gain immense satisfaction and provides a healthy boost to life. We couldn’t operate without our volunteers, who help in many different ways.
Reading the interesting stories in our magazine will provide a great insight into the different ways we help seafarers across the globe. There are sad and happy stories reflecting the lives of seafarers and the Chaplains and ship visitors who help them 24/7.
Collectively there are an estimated 1.89m seafarers across the world operating on 74,000 ships. These men and women of all nationalities, spend up to nine months at sea, far from families, friends and loved ones.
With a history dating back to 1836, The Mission to Seafarers supports the men and women working at sea when they need us most, as they experience loneliness and mental health issues, combined with limited access to internet onboard ships. We have over 200+ ports in 50 countries, operating day and night, 365 days a year.
Help us to help these essential key workers - who bring more than 90% of our goods and fuels - in a variety of ways, from donating online, corporate support or volunteering.