The Crew Change Crisis remains as critical as ever

26th January 2021

May I start by thanking you for your generosity during 2020. It was without question a difficult time for us all. Your help has enabled us to help seafarers around the world with their immediate needs supporting them with practical assistance like communication aids and emotional assistance to offload their concerns. A massive thank you from all at the Mission.

Following the success of the Flying Angel Campaign which raised £680K to provide emergency support for seafarers, the Mission launched a new campaign to secure funding to Sustain Crew Welfare in 2021, as we know the crew change crisis remains as urgent as ever. If you would like to find out more please follow this link Sustaining Crew Welfare Brochure.

As the crew change crisis continues, the Mission is on high alert to continue to respond to seafarers who are caught up in lengthy contracts, unable to get home. Our work is certainly not diminishing.

You will already know what that means; missed family Christmases for the second or third year running, no shore leave for months, but above all fatigue and exhaustion.  The Mission has been and continues to be ‘the seafarers’ lifeline’. Our Chaplain is often the only person a seafarer feels comfortable with sharing his inmost concerns.

Alongside this, we have helped those who are struggling at home as their money dwindles and the associated anxiety factors impact mental health and family life.  We have provided crucial food and water for these families.

Our team have been on hand in ports and on our digital chaplaincy service to help where it is needed. This would not be possible without your support, so a big thank you.

If you would like to donate please visit our donate page or contact Jan Webber.

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