01/04/1922 - 21/02/2007
William Simpson, known as Bill, was my Dad, now deceased and much missed. He served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War. His ship, Corvette FFS Lobelia, was escorting a convoy of Merchant Ships in the North Atlantic, taking supplies to Russia. The escort ships were ordered to abandon the merchant convoy because of the imminent threat of multiple German submarine attacks. Distraught and ashamed, the sailors watched the merchant ships explode as they were attacked. He told me they all wept as they saw screaming men floundering in the burning oil as their ships sank. He cried as he told me that his grief and shame would be with him for the rest of his life. He had enormous respect for merchant seamen and would be very pleased to know that we are honouring them in his name by making a £50 donation each year on his birthday.