CrewConnect Europe 2021

Event Key Details

Calendar icon Event Start: 21/06/2021 12:00 am
Calendar icon Event End: 22/06/2021 12:00 am
Pin icon Event Location: Virtual

Focusing on Leadership, the Human Element & the Maritime Workplace of the Future

As the Maritime industry and Crewing sector prepares itself for the ‘New Normal’ – attend CrewConnect Europe this June to hear the latest developments and insights that are critical to your role and to the future of shipping.

Check out the agenda and see why attendance is vital for people like you, the people who power shipping. Simply register now and join us for this year’s unique edition of CrewConnect Europe co-located with ICMA, and taking place 21-22 June.

This is the very first time the events will run concurrently, offering you the chance to tune into never seen before content from the industry’s leading names featuring Klaveness Ship Management AS, Holland America Group, The Bahamas Maritime Authority, Mission to Seafarers, and CLIA.

Find out more here:


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