Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal and our President, shares a message as we celebrate this year’s Day of the Seafarer
I am very pleased to be writing in acknowledgement of this year’s Day of the Seafarer. The theme of “Your voyage – then and now, share your journey” will resonate particularly strongly across the world in 2022. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on so many crew, and on their families, with many now additionally impacted by the current conflict.
I have met many seafarers over the years, most recently during a ship visit to Southampton in my capacity as President of The Mission to Seafarers. It was very good to hear at first hand as that crew shared something of their “journeys” over the last two years. I join with all of you in applauding their heroism, and that of all seafarers, in sustaining world trade so effectively through such challenging times. I have been encouraged to see and hear of so many new initiatives taken in prioritising seafarer well-being, and in promoting the support of their families.
It is my hope that such efforts will be sustained and developed in the coming years as the industry and welfare organisations work in continued partnership to provide the very best in support. It is surely essential that the stories we hear from seafarers reflect increasingly happy and fulfilled voyages.
Speaking on the panel “Welcome on Board: What Seafarers wish you knew” on the occasion, our Vice-President Esben Poulsson shared his own message:
To celebrate the day, we asked seafarers from around the globe to share their stories, and the response was overwhelming, a few of which we share below:
Happy Day of the Seafarer! Join us in our mission of creating a better life for this unsung heroes. Find out how you can help here.