The Mission has been promoting the Shell Resilience programme for several years. This has been most successful in Singapore, where the programme continues to be available for seafarers through MtS Centres and staff encouragement.
The Shell Resilience program provides seafarers with those soft skills required for them to easily “bounce back” when adverse situations arise; a holistic approach which is weighting physical, mental and spiritual health of seafarers. It’s led by Dr Marianne Dyer, Consultant Occupational Physician at Shell Health for Shipping & Maritime, with input from The Mission to Seafarers.
Building on our strong relationship in Singapore with Shell on the back of the Resilience
programme, we were delighted when Nick Potter, General Manager Shipping & Maritime Asia Pacific and Middle East, agreed that Shell would be our Gold Sponsor for our Seafarers Awards Dinner in 2018 and 2019.
In London, Dr Grahaeme Henderson, VP Shipping Maritime, confirmed Shell’s support as Gold sponsor for our Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols in 2018 and again in 2019.
Other opportunities have arisen to attend Fleet Officers meetings to promote the Seafarers’ Happiness Index, produced a small analysis of the levels of ‘happiness’ of those attending.
We were pleased also to share the work of MtS with Dr Marianne Dyer, Consultant
Occupational Physician, UK DS and Mediterranean Health Manager during her recent visit to Singapore.